Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Project #8 - Melissa Khoo + Family.

Okay.. actually these were made quite long ago. lol..
I finally felt like updating the blog. been to lazy these few days.
I be needing to teach the other munkies to blog man, i'm tired of doing so. :P
and i'm going to leave soon anyway so.. here goes..

Melissa Khoo ordered :) for her family too..
Nice.. we came up with the designs..
Check it..

This is for Melissa Herself.

Her mother's.

Her Father's.

Her Brother's.

All together!

Hope you guys like it.

Oh yea.. the dates were.. 5th of February. :P
only a month later the update came. oh well. Sorry for the delay.

More pictures in our WebAlbums.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

May all your days this year be a very prosperous one! lol.. bad grammar, whatever. :P

everyone having a great time this chinese new year? Get loads of "Ang Pow"? heh...

The Munkie5 has finished making all the tee's we promised to make. we will be uploading the pictures soon.. By end of the week latest we will update you guys with the tees.. Right now, finding new ways we can do our tees. will let you guys know about the latest updates. ALSO... the free tee for last month.. we will let you see what we have done.. IF PETE sends me the pictures! haha...

Forgetful munkies. :P

Anyways, just so that everyone knows, munkie5 hasn't stop COMPLETELY. we are still here. We will, start thinking about the things we need to settle before we can continue what we do. may take some time..

in the meantime...